Monday, June 22, 2009

I met a fellow DS mom in Smith's today and got the best hug from her daughter Meghan. It was a great inspiration to me becaues Meghan doesn't normally get so snuggly with people she just met. So I felt very priviledged that she recognized me for being another mom of a special one. Kat, you are awesome and have raised a wonderful daughter. Take care of yourself and call me!

We were also able to secure the Mountain View park in Farr West to hold the Buddy Walk on September 19. And guess what?! I had some questions for the park about being able to have a petting zoo and slides and such, so the mayor checked it out for us and because we are doing our fundraiser, HE DONATED THE WHOLE PARK FOR THE DAY! How awesome is that?! A huge thank you to Farr West City. You have no idea how much we appreciate every little thing that helps.

State Gymnastics Meet

Lorah had her state gymnastics tournament on Saturday. She did VERY well. She came in 1st on the floor exercises, 3rd on the vault, and 3rd in the all around. She's now considered a provicial Level 6, which just means she has to pass a skills test before she can move on. She now she'll start using grips on the bars (Yeah, no more blisters!) and do weird stuff on the beam like back walkovers and such. (I always have to look away when she does that stuff. I panic.) Here's a pic of her getting her 1st place floor. Go Lorah!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Well today was a productive but not so productive day. We got alot of work done on the wall we are building out back but lost the day we wanted to hold the Buddy Walk at the park we want. Because of that we are changing the day to the 19th and I hope we can complete the reservation on Monday. (I tried to do it today but they closed early. Don't they know they needed to stay open just for ME? Of all the days to close early it had to be TODAY. Government workers don't get holidays, I should know.)

Anyway, Melly is wandering around the house yelling at our dog Bear and calling his name, "Bear, Bear, Bear..." . He's so good to put up with her. Here's a pic of our long suffering companion. We like him.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

More pictures from our Oregon Trip.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Today we saved some baby birds from death. I am so proud of my kids! They were working outside when they heard the babies chirping and went over to investigate. The parents had built their nest in the power box above the lawn and the bottom fell through. There was no way we could put the babies back in the nest and the parents were freaking out. So the kids went and rescued the babies, fed them meal worms. When I got home we called the Nature Center who gave us the number of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah (801-814-7888). We took the babies down there (they told us they were house sparrows) and they adopted them so they wouldn't die! I thumped myself later because we didn't get a picture of the babies before we took them down but they were so cute and helpless. So if anyone needs any advice on wildlife give the rehab center a call. They were awesome!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Our recent trip to Oregon was a blast for Melanie. She LOVED the Russell Battery on the northern coast. Plenty of wide open space for her to run, nice weather, and lots of stairs to climb. She was in heaven. Surprisingly, Melly seemed to like the rain. Plenty of puddles to splash in and lots of giggles with her cousin Rachel. Rachel is a year younger and just a little shorter so it was perfect for the two of them to buddy around for a week.

We finally took the plunge

I've been asked several times why we don't blog. Time, I didn't know how, fear, a million other reasons. Well, we finally bit the dust and decided to do this after some serious convincing by a few other bloggers and watching Judy and Tausha talk to everyone in our DS community and gain so much knowledge and share their own wisdom. So, here we are. And I am terrified. I don't really put myself out there often so I'm hoping I enjoy this experience. :-)